
0 to 1 with AWE in 90secs (video above)

start from scratch, place a 3D component, make it rotate in every direction, listen to a collision event

Creating a New World

  1. Log in at (opens in a new tab). If you need access, join the waitlist (opens in a new tab) or ask in Discord (opens in a new tab).
  2. Click WORLDS (top-left), then Create from Scratch.
  3. A new blank template opens in the Studio at (opens in a new tab).

Basic Navigation

  • Move: WASD / arrow keys (Shift to move faster, Space/B to move up/down).
  • Look Around: Right-click+drag to pan quickly; left-click+drag to rotate.
  • Zoom: Mouse wheel or pinch.

Adding Components

  1. In the + Add panel (expanded by default), drag and drop items (e.g., a “Mesh”) into your scene. The no code library will grow by the day.
  2. Adjust settings in World Items (right side) by selecting the component, then editing Parameters like color.

Transforming Components

Select a component to see the gizmo:

  • Move: Drag colored arrows.
  • Rotate: Drag dotted circles.
  • Scale: Drag corner dots.

Behaviors & Collision

  • Add Behaviors (e.g. “Spin”) from the Logic tab, then drag onto a component.
  • Enable Collision in the Collision menu so avatars can’t pass through it (e.g. set Rigid Body Type to “Kinematic”).

Preview & Navigation

  • Preview: Click the ▶️ icon at the top to see your world as visitors will.
  • Desktop: WASD/arrow keys, Space to jump, Shift to run, ESC to unlock mouse.
  • Mobile: Virtual joystick (bottom-left), tap top-right to rotate camera.

Publishing & Remixing

  1. Click the = icon (top-center) → Rename.
  2. Add a Title, Description, and URL slug, then Publish.
  3. (Optional) Enable Remixing in Privacy & Access if you want others to duplicate your world.

Next Steps

Check out the Scripting Deep Dive to learn more about coding and building full experiences in awe. Or join our Discord (opens in a new tab) and show off what you’re making!